Models Affected: All STAHL Service Bodies for 2023 Model Year Ford Super Duty Pickup Box Delete and Removal
In our ongoing commitment to offer exceptional support to our valued distribution partners, we wanted to bring your attention to a recent communication from Ford that may have an impact on your operations.- Ford does NOT recommend reusing the camera in the bed. That camera has lines for parking assist that will not function properly without being remounted in the EXACT same place relative to the truck frame.
- Ford does offer an aftermarket camera to be used when the box is removed. To do so, you must purchase the Ford camera and a required Ford jumper harness. NOTE: If you intend to utilize the Ford aftermarket camera solution, please be aware that the Ford jumper harness will disrupt STAHL’s 2023 Ford wiring adaptor. We recommend referring to Ford Bulletin Q356R6 or reaching out to your local Ford dealership for further assistance.